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  • Home Disabled People


By Nicolas Nebot and Dan Menashe
With :
> Pauline Bression, Alexandre Faitrouni or Grant Lawrens, Dan Menashe or Tristan Robin, Ophélie Lehmann and Éléonore Sarrazin
> Stage direction: Nicolas Nebot assisted by Mehdi Garrigues and Kevin Kerivel
> Lighting, Laurent Béal
> Costumes, Marie Crédou
>Make-up, Zoé Cattelan
>Music, Dominique Mattei

How Chaplin became Tramp…

September 1910. A bar in North London.
A young man in love is late.
A young woman is impatient.
A bartender is about to make his dream come true.
And when fate intervenes and smiles on you…
Some appointments can change lives, others can change history.
How Chaplin became Charlie Chaplin. This is the story of Smile, a play staged entirely in black and white, from the sets to the costumes to the make-up.
Using staging techniques such as slow motion, fast motion, flashbacks and changes of point of view, this play plunges the spectator into the world of Chaplin’s cinema, for the time of a bubble of tenderness and poetry.


Minimum priceMaximum price
Full rate25.00 €
Rates for subscribers21.00 €
Reduced rate8.00 €
Reduced rate6.00 €
Reduced rate10.00 €

Means of payment

  • Cash
  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Credit card
Date / time
Tuesday 13 May20:30 > 22:00

Practical information

Online booking
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