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Organized by the Confrérie du Saint-Christ in collaboration with “les chants du Patrimoine” by Ensemble Vocal MÉLOPOÏA and L’ESCOLO DAÏ SARRET.

Every Maundy Thursday, the people of Agde, elected representatives, the clergy, the Confrérie du Saint-Christ and the Belles Agathoises celebrate the Saint-Christ, a work of art venerated since the end of the 15th century.

At dusk, the procession, led by the Confrérie du Saint-Christ d’Agde, begins in the nave of the Saint-Sever church, then makes its way through the historic heart of the town.
Fishermen, jousters and winegrowers take part in this age-old ceremony, carrying the cross in turn.

From station to station, the story is told and sung.

> Hymn written by F. Dagada and set to music by F. Guilhem.
> Saint-Sever and Saint André churches – Agde
> Parvis de la Maison du Coeur de Ville et de la Cathédrale Saint-Étienne – Agde

Date / time
Thursday 17 April21:00

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