
Between vineyards and limestone plateaus

This Languedoc village, surrounded by garrigue, oak woods and vineyards, where time seems to stand still, embodies all the best things in life…Take time to explore this limestone countryside and immerse yourself in nature.

A peaceful village, steeped in history

Take a break in Nizas, under the one-hundred-year-old sycamore trees in place du Griffe, opposite the church, lulled by the bubbling of the Dolphin Fountain. This site, which has been inhabited since prehistoric times, was first recorded in 884, under the name “Nezate.” The village was fortified in the 12th century. “The Castrum Tower” located in La Villette district, the oldest part of the village, still remains from this time. The village grew during the 15th century and then, in the 16th century, the Carrion de Nizas family built the current castle.

Wander through the charming side streets, where you’ll see an abundance of basalt from the plateau; walk past the 19th century wine-growers’ houses as far as the 17th century church of Sainte-Félicité Sainte-Perpétue with its impressive entrance decorated with pilasters, capitals, cornice and pediment. 

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An alliance between man and nature on the plateau

Roam around the Nizas limestone plateau and admire the bird’s eye view of the village. This limestone plateau, which stands at 94 m above sea level, was formed by old lava flows, sculpted by erosion.

The plateau has had a major impact on the landscape and the terroir. It is the ideal spot for walking, or picnicking, enveloped by the scent of thyme and cistus. It is dotted with stone shelters, lime kilns and small dry stone walls, evidence of past agropastoral activity.

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A closer look at the Camit Ferrat

This old sheep trail, bordered by stones, was used for transporting goods between the sea and mountains, and also for the seasonal migration of sheep. Today, you can still see the wheel marks made by the carts that used this ancient network, travelling between the coast and inland

Our recommendation

Take the time to explore

The Causse plateau is home to a variety of flora and fauna including birds, amazing insects, butterflies, reptiles, toads and small mammal that love living in this unspoilt setting. Pay attention if you want to see them…

Our brochures on “Nizas”

  • Holidays guide
    To find out all about leisure activities, walks, ports, services and useful addresses.

    Address book

    Tourist Office

    Bureau d’information
    20 place du 14 juillet
    34120 Pézenas
    Phone : 04 67 98 36 40

    Town Hall

    2 Place du Griffe
    34320 Nizas
    Phone : 04 67 25 15 59