The site of the Baluffe ponds, property of the Conservatoire du littoral and Natura 2000 zone, is a remarkable natural space, rich in biodiversity. It shelters a specific fauna and flora. Remains of former quarries from which basalt was extracted, these are wetlands with a double face, sometimes flooded, sometimes dried up, and rich in a flora of heritage interest (protected species, rare species). We can find the water star, the pyramidal orchid, the three-bracted loosestrife, the marbled newt, the natterjack toad, the spotted pelodyte and the Pérez/Graf frog for the most part. Chiropterans, the scientific name for bats, (Common Pipistrelle and Great Murin) and reptiles (Green Lizard and Wall Lizard) regularly visit the site
An information desk installed on the spot allows to discover its value and to learn how to preserve it.